My whole voyage started at around 5 AM on Tuesday and I haven't seen Vienna yet! Tuesday morning, my sister was very gracious and made me 蛋餅 and drove me to the airport. It was yummy. : ) I just want to say, I feel very grateful for the hospitality and kindness I received during my stay at A & C's. I know I will miss Bandit and his loud snore, and I will miss watching
Skins and
Trueblood with them!
As planned, I spent my Tuesday traveling, and Wednesday I wandered around London. Unfortunately I did not get to see my cousins, because they were just way too busy! But I will be back in the spring so there's another chance for us to meet.
I got to see the sunrise on the plane! It was so peaceful. |
On Thursday morning, I again began my travel before daybreak. All the IES study abroad students met at the Vienna airport and then we were shipped off to Styria for a four-day orientation. Internet is a bit slow so I won't post more photos. It's been a very busy and exhausting week and we start German intensive on Monday. All's well here and I can't wait to see Vienna!
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